Welcome to our 2018 candidates series starting September 14th leading up to the election in November where we will be co-hosting a biweekly Get to Know Your Candidates series with LCRCC.
Gale Decker will be our first speaker on September 14th, he is the candidate for Lake County Commissioner.
"To My Fellow Montanans,
I have served six years as your County Commissioner and am seeking your support as I run for re-election. Lake County is at a crossroads in its history and the survival of your County Government hangs in the balance. The present Commission is currently tackling problems and issues that have been unresolved in the past, but now must be confronted. Solutions are possible and can be reached if all people and governments listen to each other, value transparency and respect each other's position. We are blessed to live in one of the most beautiful and community-minded places in America and must strive to preserve for future generations what our generation has been able to enjoy."
Gale Decker gdecker48@ronan.net 406-396-2796 https://www.galedecker.com/
Gale Decker was born and raised in Lake County. His particular interests in County government include land planning, environmental health and property tax relief. He taught in the Ronan School District for 33 years. Following retirement from the school system, Mr. Decker served as Lake County Superintendent of Schools for six years before being elected to the Commissioners’ Office in 2012.
Note: Pachyderm does not officially endorse any candidate but may from time to time support educational forums and co-host educational events about candidates/issues for the community. We do not financially contribute to any candidate.
For questions about the event email Frank Delgado
LCRCC Event Details on Facebook: